Monday, 30 May 2011


After last week's predictions about Sony's e3, we here at DC Reviews boldly said that Starhawk would be announced at e3, well a couple of weeks before e3 and it has been! Score one for team DC! So today we look fondly over in Nintendo's direction, what can we expect? Read on to find out...

Project Cafe is actually called the Nintendo Stream

Yep, that's right folks, start your Wii Stream jokes because we believe here at DC that Nintendo's next console will be called the Stream. Not due to Ninty loving jokes but the fact that the basis of the new console will be on streaming. Streaming old games to be able to play them, streaming to the new controller with a touch screen, so a very apt name we feel.

Finally an online system worth using!

After the disaster attempt at online using the Wii, Nintendo will finally give us all a decent online system. While not directly copying Sony's or Microsoft's online plan, perhaps we will see something in the middle. Something similar to Netflix's pay monthly use everything system could be established, except from being allowed to watch movies it could be the Virtual Console, let's say you pay £4.99 a month and in return get to play any game off the Virtual Console as it's streamed to your system. Maybe a long shot but would certainly tie into the idea of the 'stream' idea.

A lot of Zelda stuff...

The release of Skyward Sword and re-release of Ocarina of Time won't be all we hear of Zelda this year, I expect hints of future Zelda's for Stream/Cafe and 3DS, brand new adventures not re-releases. Also, Skyward Sword will not be moved to the new console ala Twilight Princess but could perhaps be delayed until early 2012.

3DS WILL get Gamezzzz!

With all this talk of of the next home console, let's not forget Ninty's new handheld was only just released mere months ago. While the shortcoming's of the 3DS aren't hard to workout (I don't want Pilotwings!) e3 should give us all 3DS gamer's something to shout about. Mario 3DS will get an in-depth showing, a new fully original 3DS Zelda will probably be hinted at and some major third party showings should boost up the catalogue a bit. Metal Gear, Resident Evil and Sonic Generations are all expected to show up with confirmed release dates to stop the 3DS from collecting dust.

Project Cafe/Stream unveiling

While already confirmed to be announced at e3, just what exactly will Nintendo tell us? While a release of 2012 has been confirmed Nintendo should shorten that timespan to first quarter 2012, a simultaneous worldwide release seems unrealistic at this stage so expect Japan first followed by America and Europe a few months later. March for Japan and May for the rest of us wouldn't be the worst guess in the world. Those hoping for a price announcement will be upset, why would Ninty announce a price nearly a whole year in advance? There's no advantage they could get by doing it this early, expect that announcement early next year.

As with the confirmation of a sketchy release window don't expect a full launch line up either. Games will be announced of course but we have to remember these will be in quite early stages of development, expect a playable form on the show floor anything more than that is unexpected.

Overall a positive show from Nintendo this e3, they're best in quite a while, they will win this show. Only a total balls up from the new console would mean they won't win, everyone loves a new console after all! Mario and Zelda in HD? Welcome to the 21st century Nintendo, we've missed ya!

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