Okay still need convincing well here we go, as always just going to talk about the story mode without trying to spoil anything. First thing is first, the story is great, its a lot of fun and for all you new to Mortal Kombat it starts from the very beginning then eventually going off into the newer story. It doesn't take a whole lot of time to complete which I think is really good seeing as all you want to do is play as every character and see some damn fatalities. There are some parts that are very challenging and at the same time a lot of time. Whilst we are talking about the story we can't help but talk about the voice acting, in essence its great even with the slightly cheesy and stupid moments, notably Jonny Cage. Also there are some moments when you feel a fight just starts over literally the dumbest things. Saying that its still a lot of fun.
The graphics are amazing in my opinion, I am fresh from playing Marvel vs Capcom so I had a good chance to compare the two and the styles are very different of course, but I feel Mortal Kombat does an extremely good job, notably the little things like how you can see your characters damage getting worse and worse with insane amount of blood, torn skin and im some parts you can see the brain. It's brilliant, the attention to detail is better than words can describe. I am going to talk about fatalities later on and we will return to this topic.
I can't really write a proper review without talking about the sound of the game. It is unbelievable how good the sounds are, you feel every punch or every fire ball hitting your character. Literally feeling all the pain they go through! One of the sounds that I notice more than any other is when you uppercut one of the mechanical characters, I can't even describe it but when you next play just pay attention and it will blow your mind.

The Challenge Tower, you son of a b***h. 300 events in this tower, you want that platinum trophy or achievement, better get working right now. Although I can't moan because its truly awesome, starting of simply with little mini games and fights, to fighting 3 Goros at a time, because 1 isn't a pain as it is.. Also a fight where you play as Sub Zero and Scorpion but can only damage your opponent based on what color he is, coordinating with the colors of your characters. There are 300 challenges, do I really need to say more?

Finally lets talk about online. Even though we had to wait god knows how long to actually go online with the PSN going down, now that we are there what is it like? Well its okay, when you have a match, ranked or unranked its fun. The king of the hill mode is a good laugh too, even just spectating! Having a crowed score your match out of 10 is always interesting! The issue is lag. Lag and getting a game.. Sometimes it can take forever to get just a single ranked match! Then when you do the lag is bad! Not all of the time, 70% of the time its fine, but it does need to be fixed.
What more can I say, the game is amazing! A lot of content for your money and it is easily the best fighting game on the market right now! A solid;
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