Friday, 1 July 2011

2011 So Far - Number 1 - inFamous 2 9/10

And so we arrive to our number one pick so far of 2011...inFamous 2.  The Sony exclusive has only been out a matter of weeks but that's long enough to tantalise our tastebuds and leave us wanting more.  Our two editors' express their love for inFamous 2 and why it fought off such strong competition in the first half of the year and can it stave off the big hitters coming this winter to land game of the year?

Craig John Shields: Obviously I reviewed the game so I'll try not to retread old ground but I loved inFamous 2. I enjoyed the original but the sequel improved on the first so much that it moved the franchise from good to great. The setting of New Marais and the development of Cole's and Zeike's relationship really stood out to me and appealed to me more than just on a gameplay level.

If I had to play only one game from the first half of the year it would undoubtedly be inFamous 2, there's just so much to do and even if your feeling lazy jumping off the highest point and slamming into the ground never gets old.

It has a massive task on it's hand if it's to win game of the year with Skyrim, Assassin's Creed Revelations and it's own PS3 rival Uncharted 3, but it certainly has it's place amoung 2011's greatest.

Alex Sodhi: Well what more can we say about Infamous 2? I was late to the franchise in the first place, I enjoyed Infamous 1 although it did take me a while to get used to. The idea of being a super hero with electrical powers sounds amazing without even needing to play the game! Unlike in many games, you are not held back by anything really, you can pretty much go anywhere you want to go, do anything you want to do.

Being able to chose between two different stories, based on the actions you take in the game is very cool. You feel like you just get a bit more for your money than just the standerd story. Infamous 2 is a deserving winner for the first half of the year. As Craig mentioned, will it be able to take on the likes of some of the huge games coming out this fall? It will be a challenge but only time will tell.

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