Sunday, 17 July 2011

Castle Crashers, PSN Review.

This may seem a bit strange to people as Castle Crashers has been out for some time now, but for all you Playstation Plus members who have never played this game and are wondering if its worth there time, then stick around and I will tell you! To clarify, Castle Crashers is FREE on the PSN, marked down from $10.99. This is an absolute steal and I can't recommend getting this enough. If you ever liked the old school arcade games in the arcade where you play, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, you have an analogue stick and two buttons. Castle Crashers is like that in so many ways, but with a ton of extras.

The plot of Castle Crashers is based around your specific character/characters coming over epic battles and enemies, whilst trying to rescue the four princesses that have been taken prisoner by some strange warlock looking dude, his name is never said. You are recruited by the king to rescue his daughters. I don't want to talk to much about what goes on in the story because some of the scenes are hilarious, but let me tell you this story is brilliant, its simple, no talking, the music kicks ass and you just happily enjoy running through the maps killing bad guys. You fight a whole array of enemies and some pretty sweet boss fights to say the least.The sound and music in this game are amazing, its very comical but at the same time intense. Every so often I felt like I was playing Mortal Kombat or The Matrix, its awesome. It will keep you very entertained.

You chose your character at the begging of a game, there are four colors to chose from at the beginning, nothing is said about the characters although can clearly see that orange is fire and green is poison and so on. There are some unlockable characters that you receive from playing through the story. Your characters can be specified to how you want to play, there is Strength, Magic, Shield and Agility. You can level these up and receive new moves as you do. You must also collect coins for potions etc and you also can receive pets that help you in battle.

As most always are wondering, what are the graphics like? Great. It is extremely colorful, there is usually a ton of action on the screen and you can see everything interacting very smoothly. It runs like a dream and for such a simple game its amazing. The game is extremely imaginative and impresses across the board.

I can't end this review without talking about the coop option. Not only can you battle your friends in the arena and play beach volleyball... You can quest along side up to three extra players, locally or online. Which is amazing because where the hell are all the four player coop games these days? Well here is one, its a load of fun with a few friends, you all are trying to level your characters and save the princess, because you have to think, when you have defeated a boss and the princess is free, which one of you is going to get the princess? Let me tell you its a hell of a lot of fun. Me and my buddy spent half hour on a single dual in the arena and I kid you not, I haven't had that much of a rush in a long time.

I literally can't say anything bad about this game, its fun, its simple, you can play with your friends and well its free. PSPlus users get on this deal and if you aren't a Playstation Plus member, then now is a great time to give it a go.


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