Wednesday, 21 September 2011


In a lot of ways Deus Ex: Human Revolution snuck up on me, many of us were looking far ahead at the gaming delights that await us this winter (Batman and Uncharted to name just two). But as summer tailed away and autumn decided to rear it's ugly head along came DE:HR's Adam Jensen to take us into it's wonderful world and cyberpunk charm.

A prequel of the first two that were major hits on PC early on last decade, Deus EX: HR it a lovingly crafted first person RPG that borrows heavily from a lot of games. Fallout, Metal Gear and even elements from Mass Effect are all used here and fit lovingly well.

The game predominately takes place in Detroit and Hengsha but a few other locations do come into it further into the plot. The atmosphere is loving crafted and is clearly inspired by cyberpunk flicks of the 80s combined with a hint of culture form the Italian Renaissance mixed with a yellow tinge to create a really unique and most importantly, believable world that you'll want to explore.

One of my big complaints about RPGs and even Mass Effect to a certain extent is that you can clearly see the difference between side missions and the main story. Of course the main plot missions should take precedence but I have to tip my hat off to some of the brilliant side story missions contained in DE:HR that could so easily have fooled any player they were part of the main missions.

The main draw for the third in the series is the way you can approach any obstacle from a number of angles. You have the obvious options of going in head first guns blazing to take everyone out. Or perhaps sneaking through the area using distraction tactics and stealth camoflauge to out manouveur your enemies appeal. Air vents? You'll be seeing a lot of these as they provide Adam Jensen unique routes that sometimes take you in the other direction of your enemies.

But don't get ahead of yourself, this isn't a first person shooter, if you go in guns blazing you are likely to die, a lot. The emphasis is heavily on stealth as shown by Adam's augmentations. 'Augs' allow you to mold Jensen into the character you want him to be, by earning 'Praxis Points' through the game you can buy certain moves to aid you through the game. All Augs are mainly helpful for stealth players, there is really only one that helps with a full on assualt. Unlike other RPG's that follow a similar level-up system, each time you spend a Praxis Point you really do think about how will upgrade. The upgrade system works so well and is so brilliantly balanced that every single augment will aid you, but not enough to make any of them game breaking.

While there are no glaring glitches or faults like similar titles released at a similar time (Dead Island I'm looking at you!). Deus Ex: Human Revolution does suffer from a tiny bit of blandness. That sounds a lot harsher than it is in reality for lack of a better word but it feels like I've done all this before. Hiding round corners ala Metal Gear, using a multi-choice conversation system ala Mass Effect and an FPS RPG in a similar style to Fallout.

That's not to say you shouldn't pick up Deus Ex: HR it is a wonderful game and should be on most peoples to buy list. It's certainly a contender for Game of the Year and that is reason enough to get involved in the shady world of Deus Ex.


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