Saturday, 4 December 2010

Dance Central

Finally the full-body motion tracking Dance Central is here. With developers Harmonix on the scene, being published by MTV games, this already is a combination of near perfection. Whether you simply want to 'Break It Down!' or dominate the streets in 'Perform It' you will be entertained for hours on end with over 600 specific dance moves and at the moment over 90 different dance routines, choreographed by professionals! It doesn't stop there, if you ever played Rock Band you will know that Harmonix are big fans of brining out more content and already they have, extra songs, new moves, new dances!

Lets get down to business. The music and songs are from all arrays of different music geners, raging from hip-hop and R&B to pop and reggae. Some of the songs will even have the moves that you see in their very own music videos, Crank That by Soulja Boy for one. 

You are able to chose different difficulties for each song, easy, medium and hard. Each difficulty has the same structure for the routine, but as you increase the difficulty you get more challenging moves and you will have to move a lot faster between moves. The navigation for the menue screen is very nice, you hold out your right arm and move it up and down or bring it across your body, your left arm acts as a back button almost, its very simple to understand and flows very nicely. 

Now there have been a few complaints with certain aspects of this game, game modes particularly. Yes there is no career mode, why? They could have had a mode where you create your dancer, start out on the streets dancing for money or something and as you build up a reputation you meet new characters and new dances, bigger venues etc. But allas this is not the case, there is no mode other than a kind of 'play now' if you will. Some people aren't very happy with the characters either, saying the look cartoony but I personally disagree, I think the characters move very well to the routines and you really feel like you want to look like them when you see them acing every single move! Also there isn't much to unlock, besides another costume for the dancers and medium and hard difficulty for each song after you complete easy, that is about it.

Now there are a few different things you can do with this game, there is the obvious 'Perform it' mode, but there are also a few extra things you can do. A work out mode which basically kicks your butt, it shows you how many calories you are burning with each move and how much you burn all in all. It truly is a great workout actually, you have to work incredibly hard and it feels very rewarding. I have one issue with this game mode though, the idea is great but why can't you have a que of songs that merge into one another. You work your butt off during the song you chose and when its over you feel great, but obviously the songs are only a few minutes long each, then you have to stop and chose another song, go through the crap which takes a few minutes sometimes. It's slightly annoying but the workout mode is still very good. 

Break It Down mode, possibly the most genius part of this game. If you haven't already heard, Break It Down allows you to practice the routines of any song you chose at any difficulty. You are taught bit by bit how to perform the moves of the routine, then after you have got the moves down you start to put them together. You can even slow the moves down if you really can't tackle it, a friendly choreographer is there to help you with what steps to take and it really does help. After your training you are able to perform the song for real and see how you do, if you still miss a part then you go back and practice. The idea is to really teach you how to dance and it works impeccably.

There is a dance off mode which is a lot of fun when you have a few friends over. One person starts the routine and starts to build points and he hits his moves then when you would usually have a free style mode you are told to switch players and the other player jumps in. The person with the highest score wins! There is also a little feature that you can use when performing, up to two people can jump in behind the main dancer as backing dancers!

Finally perform it mode. This is exactly what you think its going to be, you perform the routines of the songs that you have chosen, the moves come up on the right hand side of the screen, when they appear in the box you begin that specific move. Each move is split into two beats, so you perform the move twice if you aren't too sure what that means. The game is so accurate, it seems even if you have a finger out of place you will not hit that perfection move. You can tell when you are doing something wrong because that part of the body turns red on the dancer on the screen. There is also a small box with your white figure so you can see how you are moving. Finally a free style section which is very fun, basically do what you want and try and look cool! 

There is a lot of stipulation that there are no real rewards in Dance Central, you get star ratings for the dances you perform ranging from one to five and there is even a five gold star reward you can unlock if you hit almost every move of the routine. However I disagree with all of this, because yes you might not get a great reward because there is no campaign but you are learning how to dance, how to properly dance. This is something that is very difficult to master and you are being taught by professionals. You constantly progress and with the break it down mode you really feel that you are learning to dance!

 One of the biggest problem with Dance games these days is they are just viewed poorly, we have come a long way from the common dance mat. I have had family and friends over and the second I say 'Lets play Dance Central' I get the same reaction every time, 'there is no way I am dancing' or 'that's just embarrassing'. But after a bit of arguing they all get infront of Kinect and start moving and once you do, you are hooked. You realize that even if you are making a fool of yourself, you are progressing even the slightest bit! You feel that serge of fun which everyone looks for from playing games! 

Thats why all in all, I rate Dance Central a 7/10! It teaches you how to dance, teaches you great moves, it is so much fun and if you want to let a few little things get in the way of enjoying yourself like menue screens then you probably shouldn't be looking at buying Kinect.

If you are still wondering, 'Is Kinect worth buying?' Then here is your answer, YES! Even right now simply for this game, it has truly revolutionized  gaming, thank you Dance Central. 

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Kinect - Above or below TV?

After a few weeks I have finally mounted my Kinect camera above my TV,  I previously just had it resting on the same unit that my TV stand on. The question is, which way is better?

Well of corse it depends on how your living room or playing space is laid out. When trying to find the best place for your Kinect, you need to mainly focus on space. Which way will give you more space? In my case, mounting Kinect on the wall above my TV almost gives me an extra foot! Which is a huge amount of space, especially when you are playing multiplayer. At first I was skeptical because my TV is at a slight angle and if Kinect was flat on the wall would it look right on the screen, well if you didn't know like I didn't, you can turn your Kinect a fair amount so it angles nicely.

I generally feel like Kinect is safer mounted on the wall, its in a safe distance away from everything. I have it mounted no more than 5ft high and honestly, so far, I have noticed that Kinect is a lot easier to use this way. Previously when Kinect was on my TV stand, if I was sat on my sofa it was almost level to me.. You would think that this is a perfect combination! No. Sitting down almost 7-8ft away Kinect found to recognize me if I was sat down, but now its mounted.. It can see everything so clearly! I can easily navigated everything now from almost any point on my sofa! It's brilliant and I have fallen even more in love with Kinect!

Down to gameplay, well simply.. It's so much better. Don't get me wrong I was really impressed with Kinect when I first picked it up, it picks up your movements very well, but somehow now it seems even more in tune with my movements! Playing through Dance Central just blew me away. I would recommend this move for everyone, however I know that this might not suit everyone. If you need more space and your TV isn't agains't your wall then this is a great way to gain a little more room.

I have heard the posts and comments that in most of the videos and trailers for Kinect, Microsoft have Kinect below the TV and yes they do, but people don't seem to realize that the TV's that Microsoft use and basically at an eye level for players, players look straight ahead and this is the best result. Kinect is looking directly at you without tilting, this is how to achieve the best result, hence the more space the better.

If having the Kinect camera on top of the TV aids it in not having to tilt itself, then have it up there, if it had to tilt down a drastic amount then you don't need to have it mounted, although this doesn't mean you can't! I hope this helped answer some questions people have been asking!

Friday, 19 November 2010

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

Starkiller is back! Darth Vaders apprentice is back and he is even stronger and more powerful than before. We are thrown straight into the mix in typical Star Wars fashion fending for our lives whilst trying to escape from Vaders clutches. The story picks up where it left of in the Force Unleashed, Starkiller is on a quest to find his true identity and also his one true love, Juno Eclipse. Vader is attempting to try and clone his former apprentice in search of the perfect sith warrior, Starkiller is on the hunt to stop his former master and save Juno.

The game starts out with a huge bang, you are thrown into a very small tutorial on how to attack and use your devastating force powers. This lasts minutes and in no time you are fleeing from Vader and his army. You immediately get to see how graphics and cinematics look and its visually stunning to say the least, as you plumet through the air, blowing up obstacles and tie fighters with your force push and or lightening ability. Also with Starkillers new ability to hold two light sabers, you feel like he has really progressed since the first game.

The story, as good as it is, does not take long. On my first play through I finished the game in under 6-7 hours on medium difficulty, I even picked up most of the orbs and collectables. This does not truly disappoint me however, the story you play through is very impressive and the visuals are just awe inspiring. You start to feel a real sense of remorse for Starkiller, he doesn't know his past, if he is real or not and you want to help him understand so you push through the game, killing anything in your path. Just like in the previous game you are able to change your costumes, light saber crystals (which actually give you certain abilities), its a nice feature that allows you to customize star killer a little, however it could be a bit more in depth. If you did play through the first game you will have a few extra costumes which is always nice.

However there are some obvious issues, as mentioned before its a little short. You feel a little trapped, there is  a basic set path that you can hardly stray from at all. Also its very nice to see Starkiller holding two light sabers and the way he throws them around is awesome, however it's always the same, he swings in the same way every time and it just becomes a little old after a while, I think it would be nice if you could just use one light saber or a double edged light saber, its a simple touch that could have made a big difference. Another issue I have is the big mob fights, when you fight a big robot or a drone, after a bit of a struggle you come to a point where it takes you into a fixed action scene where you must press certain buttons in a certain way to killer the robot or whatever you are against, the first time I did this I was blown away, but after the 5th or 6th time of doing the same thing and seeing the same scene you just get tired of it, why couldn't we kill these drones in different ways?

I don't think the cons outweigh the pros. The game is still fantastic, you really do learn what you want to after a full play through and there is something about cutting up drones and battling with Vadar that never gets old! There is one thing that I really wish they would have changed, yes there is a point in the game where you chose the Dark Side or The Light. Now this choice for me was so hard and I cannot wait to see what my choice has led to in the next game, however I wish you could have played through this game as one or the other, or even gradually choosing over time, instead of one sudden moment where you are forced to chose.

Overall though I still love this game, I am a huge Star Wars fan and if you are the kind of player who loved to button bash for a while, slice some drones and control things with your mind this game could very well be for you. I give it an 7.5/10, it needed to be a little longer, a few more choices should have been your own, but you cannot fault the graphics, the way the game runs and just the story!

Godfather II

Review will be published soon.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Kinect Sports

Kinect Sports, to put it simply its Microsofts version of Wii Sports. However Kinect Sports bring so much more to the table! This game is very enjoyable from the off, there are a lot of different events that you can take part in, such as; Bowling, Boxing, Track and Field, VolleyBall, Table Tennis and Football.

Before we start though lets get the negativity out of the way, playing on your own can be very boring and running as fast as you can in 100m sprint isn't as fun when you don't have a friend next to you, trying to beat your world record! If you leave the game screen and come back in on the other side of the screen, sometimes your avatar does't switch and you are stuck playing on someone else's avatar, but these issues can be avoided. Sometimes with certain events the Kinect camera can't read you properly, such as the Javelin, if you pull your arm to far back, almost behind your back its like the camera gets confused and tries to replace your arm with something that looks similar, so your avatar has this flapping upside down arm. The same kind of thing with the Bowling, you can't actually put both hands on the ball like the computer seems to or all kinds of crazy things happen!

However these are just little things that really don't effect the game overall. One thing however that is pretty annoying is the game freezing.. It doesn't seem to happen during and actual game which is good, but when loading sometimes it just freezes, its happened twice for me and I have heard about it all over the world, maybe a patch to fix this issue Microsoft? Of corse people are going to complain about the space issue, but honestly if you don't have at least 6ft of space and did not want to move anything around when you want to play Kinect you should have really investigated into Kinect more before you purchased.

I love how just like in Adventures and the Kinect hub, the second you walk infront of your screen you are recognized and signed in! It's amazing and just one less thing for you to worry about. As soon as the game loads you stand alone as your avatar in a stadium filled with people, I couldn't really understand why until I raised my arms and the crowed erupted with cheers! A silly ego booster indeed, but it was just another little feature that shows you what Kinect can do. You can chose between mini games or party events or just playing games generally, then you are able to chose whether you play online, against a computer, against a friend or with a friend, at first you start playing very basic computer difficulties but if you raise the difficulty to Pro or Champion it does become very challenging!

 Like I mentioned before, playing with your friends is the way to do it, get a few buddies over with some beers and start that track and field, soon you will be sprinting for your life! Which gets very tiering very very fast, your windows will need to be opened I warn you now! Now I can't finish writing this without talking about my favorite game.. Table tennis.. Now I know that some people don't view this game like I do, but I find it ridiculously fun! When you start to understand how spinning the ball works you can really thrust yourself into the game, I  start to take it very seriously when it gets to match point. When the smash ball opportunity comes, you feel that you have to jump and smash that ball as hard as you can, my after game photos certainly show how much effort I put in!

Well overall Kinect Sports hits 7/10. There are a few annoying issues with avatars freaking out, game freezing, but the game makes up for it with it's realistic feeling games. You truly feel like you are sprinting as fast as you can when you get on that track! It may feel strange at first not holding something in your hand for certain games, but it begins to feel very natural very fast!

Kinect first impressions

After a long wait, Microsofts Kinect is finally here! So Kinect comes with Kinect Adventures and the Kinect camera itself obviously. Yes if you have the older Xbox model you will need  a separate power adapter, but this is just Microsofts way of saying "that shiny new xbox you see, you should buy that". Which in all honesty is not a bad thing, I was very skeptical at first about buying a new Xbox after many faithful years with my old 360, but its small extra features really do make a difference. After someone told me that the 360 makes a lot of noise, I started noticing it more and more, then I heard about Kinect not being ready for my 360 and I have always had issues with dragging a ethernet cable across my living room for Xbox live. Now if these reasons aren't enough to persuade you to buy the new xbox, its understandable, although now with this new Xbox and Kinect I cannot see Microsoft releasing another Xbox for some time.

Now onto the good stuff, Kinect. After you go through all the calibration work which I admit is slightly tedious, the magic begins to happen.. You see yourself controlling your tv with your hands and I felt just like Tom Cruise in 'Minority Report' it was awesome, a real sense of power. The camera recognized me incredibly well and followed me when I wanted it to. The voice recognition is also very good, I truly love just sitting on the sofa and if I can't reach my controller, just telling my Xbox what I want! If it could just put specific disks on its tray on command it would be perfect. But seriously it is a very impressive piece of kit. I was most impressed by the Kinect ID, I had a few friends recover their accounts onto my xbox and set up Kinect ID and the second a different person walked infront of the camera, Kinect recognized them and logged them in. Amazing.

Yes there are some annoying aspects, like why couldn't the Kinect hub just be the whole Xbox dashboard, I know it might take some more work but it would make the experience so much better! Instead of being limited to what you can do. The features inside the Kinect hub however are very impressive, such as Zune and Sky, telling your xbox to pause when I am going to get a drink is great, but why can't I do this is I just put a dvd in? It's very annoying! But lets hope for a software update to fix these issues. Another problem a lot of people have with Kinect is not necessarily what it does, but getting it to work in your space. As you may or may not know, Kinect needs at least 6ft to function properly with one person and if there is two of you you need at least 8ft, for me this isn't a problem after I move my sofa a little, but it can be a bit of a pain! However I think if you were to think logically about this, it makes sense.. You can't expect this camera to recognize your whole body when you stand 1ft away!

Now onto 'Kinect Adventures'. I personally love this game, its great when you have a few friends over and you have a few drinks to just get the idea of what Kinect is all about! It has 5 mini games for you to play and an adventure mode where you play through these mini games at different difficulties, collecting treasures and other goodies. This is very fun for the first hour or so of playing, but it does get very tedious, there is not much diversity in the game and when you play on your own you seem just a little bit stupid.

Kinect Adventures is certainly a game to be played with friends and when you are playing on your own and a friend decides he wants in, he just steps next to you and hey presto you are in the game. The game like I said gives you a great change to see how accurate the Kinect camera is and it is very impressive. Even stupid things like high fiving your friend after a game is registered! One of the most entertaining thing is to see your after the game photo shots, you see you and your friend jumping in the air, sticking your legs and arms out to try and collect joins, its very entertaining. The problem is like I said before, it gets boring. You can't play this game for hours on end, but its a good start for Kinect, allowing you to see what you are getting yourself in for! I personally am very happy, I enjoy playing it with family and friends and its just nice to see that Kinect does what Microsoft said it would do!

My final verdict on Kinect so far 7/10. Yes there are a few little things that are annoying like I mentioned, but its very impressive and holds a huge potential for the future and that is all you can really judge it on, what it can and might do, not what its doing already! But so far so good! I look forward to the future.