Sunday, 21 November 2010

Kinect - Above or below TV?

After a few weeks I have finally mounted my Kinect camera above my TV,  I previously just had it resting on the same unit that my TV stand on. The question is, which way is better?

Well of corse it depends on how your living room or playing space is laid out. When trying to find the best place for your Kinect, you need to mainly focus on space. Which way will give you more space? In my case, mounting Kinect on the wall above my TV almost gives me an extra foot! Which is a huge amount of space, especially when you are playing multiplayer. At first I was skeptical because my TV is at a slight angle and if Kinect was flat on the wall would it look right on the screen, well if you didn't know like I didn't, you can turn your Kinect a fair amount so it angles nicely.

I generally feel like Kinect is safer mounted on the wall, its in a safe distance away from everything. I have it mounted no more than 5ft high and honestly, so far, I have noticed that Kinect is a lot easier to use this way. Previously when Kinect was on my TV stand, if I was sat on my sofa it was almost level to me.. You would think that this is a perfect combination! No. Sitting down almost 7-8ft away Kinect found to recognize me if I was sat down, but now its mounted.. It can see everything so clearly! I can easily navigated everything now from almost any point on my sofa! It's brilliant and I have fallen even more in love with Kinect!

Down to gameplay, well simply.. It's so much better. Don't get me wrong I was really impressed with Kinect when I first picked it up, it picks up your movements very well, but somehow now it seems even more in tune with my movements! Playing through Dance Central just blew me away. I would recommend this move for everyone, however I know that this might not suit everyone. If you need more space and your TV isn't agains't your wall then this is a great way to gain a little more room.

I have heard the posts and comments that in most of the videos and trailers for Kinect, Microsoft have Kinect below the TV and yes they do, but people don't seem to realize that the TV's that Microsoft use and basically at an eye level for players, players look straight ahead and this is the best result. Kinect is looking directly at you without tilting, this is how to achieve the best result, hence the more space the better.

If having the Kinect camera on top of the TV aids it in not having to tilt itself, then have it up there, if it had to tilt down a drastic amount then you don't need to have it mounted, although this doesn't mean you can't! I hope this helped answer some questions people have been asking!

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