The game starts out with a huge bang, you are thrown into a very small tutorial on how to attack and use your devastating force powers. This lasts minutes and in no time you are fleeing from Vader and his army. You immediately get to see how graphics and cinematics look and its visually stunning to say the least, as you plumet through the air, blowing up obstacles and tie fighters with your force push and or lightening ability. Also with Starkillers new ability to hold two light sabers, you feel like he has really progressed since the first game.
The story, as good as it is, does not take long. On my first play through I finished the game in under 6-7 hours on medium difficulty, I even picked up most of the orbs and collectables. This does not truly disappoint me however, the story you play through is very impressive and the visuals are just awe inspiring. You start to feel a real sense of remorse for Starkiller, he doesn't know his past, if he is real or not and you want to help him understand so you push through the game, killing anything in your path. Just like in the previous game you are able to change your costumes, light saber crystals (which actually give you certain abilities), its a nice feature that allows you to customize star killer a little, however it could be a bit more in depth. If you did play through the first game you will have a few extra costumes which is always nice.
However there are some obvious issues, as mentioned before its a little short. You feel a little trapped, there is a basic set path that you can hardly stray from at all. Also its very nice to see Starkiller holding two light sabers and the way he throws them around is awesome, however it's always the same, he swings in the same way every time and it just becomes a little old after a while, I think it would be nice if you could just use one light saber or a double edged light saber, its a simple touch that could have made a big difference. Another issue I have is the big mob fights, when you fight a big robot or a drone, after a bit of a struggle you come to a point where it takes you into a fixed action scene where you must press certain buttons in a certain way to killer the robot or whatever you are against, the first time I did this I was blown away, but after the 5th or 6th time of doing the same thing and seeing the same scene you just get tired of it, why couldn't we kill these drones in different ways?
I don't think the cons outweigh the pros. The game is still fantastic, you really do learn what you want to after a full play through and there is something about cutting up drones and battling with Vadar that never gets old! There is one thing that I really wish they would have changed, yes there is a point in the game where you chose the Dark Side or The Light. Now this choice for me was so hard and I cannot wait to see what my choice has led to in the next game, however I wish you could have played through this game as one or the other, or even gradually choosing over time, instead of one sudden moment where you are forced to chose.

Overall though I still love this game, I am a huge Star Wars fan and if you are the kind of player who loved to button bash for a while, slice some drones and control things with your mind this game could very well be for you. I give it an 7.5/10, it needed to be a little longer, a few more choices should have been your own, but you cannot fault the graphics, the way the game runs and just the story!
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