Monday, 14 March 2011

ACB: The Da Vinci Disappearance Review

Assassins Creed Brotherhood got it's first piece of meaty DLC in the form of 'The Da Vinci Disappearance'.  It includes both a single player and multiplayer aspect and cost's £7.99 from the PSN.  The single player part of the DLC expands the story beyond the main plot lines of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and offers some tentative clue's as to where the main story line is heading and perhaps if you delve deep enough, even offers some hints on Brotherhood's direct sequel, due out this winter.

The missions' in single player are varied with the latter half of the eight new missions really quite memorable compared to most things offered during the main story.  Both the setting and story development of this part of the DLC is quite interesting, taking you to places not really like anything seen in ACB.  The one down point of the single player portion of the DLC is the length.  It perhaps at best offers only a pitiful two hours of extra content, while you are getting the multiplayer too with your purchase, most people enjoy the Assassins Creed series for single player, just two hours to flesh out some more of Ezio's part in the series seems a bit lame, especially as there is a high chance it's the last we'll see of the Italian Stallion.

Brotherhood's suprisingly good multiplayer has been upgraded with this DLC to include a new map, two new modes (Assassinate and Escort) and four new characters to hack and dismember your friends with.  While the inclusion of this is good, I feel the addition of the death-match style Assassinate mode kind of defeats of the object of what makes ACB's multiplayer so good.  It was the ability of having to go after just one target while watching your back.  Now it's a bit like a free for all.

So should you spend your hard earned money on the DLC?  Well I think it depends on how you view the franchise.  If you love the series and want to flesh out every bit of information you can, then it's a definite purchase as you'll enjoy the story and of course the multiplayer if you enjoy going online already.  If your just a casual Creed fan then it's possibly best to just wait for the next instalment and save your money.


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