Thursday, 31 March 2011

Mass Effect 2: Arrival DLC Review

If your finishing something, you usually would like to go out with a bang rather than a whimper.  I'm sure this probably wasn't the thinking behind the last piece of DLC for last year's game of the year Mass Effect 2.  This add-on titled 'Arrival' started off with Bioware promising to bridge the story between 2 and the upcoming Mass Effect 3.  But sadly it doesn't.

Arrival starts as any other mission with a "message at your private terminal" there you are given a mission by Admiral Hackett to rescue Dr Amanda Kenson from a fleet of Batarian's holding her captive, apparently she has information on the Reapers.  Hackett gives the excuse that Shepard will have to go in alone as to not attract attention and cause a full scale Batarian-Human war.  It's basically Bioware trying to cover up the fact they wanted us to not have our squad for this mission, I don't really know why this decision was made but I'm not happy about it.  All those hours you put into Mass Effect to build-up your squad and you can't take them on the last mission with you, they even rub salt into the wounds by still having dialogue from Shepard saying thing's like "We've been spotted" No, we haven't been spotted just you Shepard.

Without doubt one of Mass Effect's greatest parts is the conversation system and the idea of choice.  A choice made is one of the ways that your Shepard is 'your' Shepard, you define him by your decisions made in the previous games.  I won't spoil anything, but there looks to be a big decision to be made in Arrival but the choice is taken completely out of your hands.  I was expecting to make the decision and was weighing up both options but then Shepard just decided to 'do' it without me deciding, the control was taken out of my hands.

If you enjoyed shooting things in Mass Effect 2 then you'll like Arrival, as narrow corridors and many shootable enemies is what we get, just foot soldiers, nothing spectacular just loads and loads of bodies to kill.  I think Bioware have let us and Mass Effect 2 down, to let a game this good bow out with DLC that really adds nothing at all is a real shame.  The Reapers are coming, we know that, now let's get Mass Effect 3 out so we can forget about this 'Arrival'.


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