NetherRealm aslo have added a new special move ability to each individual fighter, you build the power bar up by fighting in which there are three stages. Filling up the first few bars allows you to do heavy versions of your moves, such as the frost ball by Subzero or the classic 'Get over here' by Scorpion. If you fill up all three bars you are able to do a super move, where you have no control and the system does a quick animation, taking off around half of the enemies health. Not only this, the animation is incradably cool, each character has a different animation, but these are brutal!! Scorpions for an eg you see him punch the enemies cracking his skull, when he drops to the ground he stoms on their ribs and you see them crack, the camera focuses on the skeleton of the enemy, almost like an xray! I can't wait to see more of this in the final game.
Where Marvel vs Capcom recently lacked in producing any sort of story whatsoever, Mortal Kombat have assured players that there is a detailed story mode along with some others! The classic arcade mode of course is still a huge factor but NetherRealm have tried to add fun and interesting game types, one that I am looking forward to is the slot spinning system! You spin at the start of the game and it activates certain perks or de buffs, for example, players have to fight with no arms are allowed, no punching! But instead of just saying you can't punch, they just chop your arms of as your characters wait to fight! Also with some other little interesting games modes, it should bring a lot of smiles to players wanting more for fighting games! The classic lader mode is also back but with 300 rounds! 300!! Getting harder and harder as you go on, all I can say is good luck for people wanting that Platinum trophy on the ps3.
Lets talk characters real quick, as I already mentioned they look amazing and so far there is no disappointment with the line up! The classic Scorpion and Subzero are there of course, along side with the rest of the crew! Still waiting the word on a few people like Smoke but we will see in time, also promised DLC will enable new people and maps I take it! I am still hoping that some of the maps have interactive dangers and traps with them like in previous games where players could kick others into death spike traps! Yes the Fatalities are back and of course they do use maps as part of them if you chose the correct one, I think its nice to have two different Fatalities, especially when each map is vastly different, you could end up seeing a different Fatality for every fight you play almost. Fatalities on a quick side note, kick ass. They are brutal, full of blood and simple rock. No better way to show your dominance but we all know this by now!
I have not had a chance to play online yet but I sure hope that Mortal Kombat does better than Marvel vs Capcom on the online front, I request spectating live games, advanced ranking systems and just being able to get a damn game!! Other than that, the fighting system is great! Certainly not as fast paced as Marvel vs Capcom but it's not the same game! Combos are hard to work for and when you get them it really pays off! For now these are the reasons why Mortal Kombat is going to own! I can't wait to get my hands on the full copy April 21st. I think PS3 though, being able to play as Kratos, win.
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